Adventure Stock Photos

Sailing on Lake Almanor, California

by Sherri on September 3, 2010


Sailing at Sunset on Lake Almanor in Plumas County, California.

Every day during our recent camping trip to Lake Almanor, Jeff and I would head down to the lake for a sunset photo shoot. We knew there would be plenty of subjects to photograph, but each time there was something new and exciting. It happened to be sailing on this particular day.

I love to shoot action and I love to sail. However, I didn’t have much experience photographing this adventure sport until now. These three amigos were a lot of fun to photograph and the weather couldn’t have been better!

Do you love to sail, kayak, canoe, fish, camp, ride bikes, swim or water ski? Lake Almanor offers all of these activities and more! If you have ever been there, I’d love to hear about your adventures. 🙂

Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend everyone!

See more of our Adventure Stock Photos.

New Hiking, Kayaking & Rafting Images!

by Sherri on June 3, 2010


Steve Hadley & Peg Challender stop to enjoy the scenery on the East Ridge Trail at the Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park, near Coloma, California.

We have been really busy shooting adventure & outdoor lifestyle images lately. While we have been doing our share of complaining about the strange weather we have been having this year, it has been better than normal for photography.

By this time of the year, the landscape in this area is usually brown. But, as you can see in this photo I captured over Memorial Day Weekend, it is still very green. There are also still a lot of wildflowers in the Sierra Foothills, as compared to a normal year.

The photo above of our friends Steve & Peg is one of many new photos we captured on a beautiful Spring day in the Sierra Foothills.

See more Adventure and Outdoor Lifestyle Images on our Sherri Meyer Photography Business Page, or by visiting our Adventure and Outdoor Lifestyles photo archive.

Thank you for stopping by. Comments & questions are always welcomed & appreciated.

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Labor Day Paddle

by Sherri on September 8, 2009


Donna & Maya Bussinger rafting on the Middle Fork of the American River, Auburn, California.

Donna & Maya Bussinger rafting on the Middle Fork of the American River, Auburn, California.

Yesterday was awesome! Jeff & I had the great opportunity to raft the Middle Fork of the American River (between Driver’s Flat and Mammoth Bar), with our friend Donna and her 4-year old daughter Maya.

This section of the the American River doesn’t draw the hoards of tourists from the Bay Area and LA like the South Fork does. There are a few reasons why. For one thing, it is only 7-miles in length. It also consists of only Class I & II rapids. Lastly, not many know about this run, which is why we love it so much. Now, I know after writing this a few more people will know about it. But, hey, if I don’t write about it someone else will. It may as well be me! [click to continue…]

Paraglider flying over the Cronan Ranch, Pilot Hill, California.

This week is the week for starting new things. On Monday, I started “Monday Makeover.” Today, I am starting something else new and exciting. I am going to post a photo that makes me say “WOW.” But, that’s not all. I’m going to tell you why I think it qualifies as a WOW photo.

5 reasons why this photo makes me say WOW!

Feeling or emotion – The first thing I get when I look at this photo is a feeling. While I can’t actually say I know what it feels like to take off like this guy is doing, I can feel it in the photo.

Composition – I love the composition. The elements in the photo are well balanced and are very pleasing to the eye.

Color – The color really pops in this photo. I did use the Nikon D300 preset for Lightroom, to add a little punch to the color.

Lighting – Even though this photo was taken in April at 1:40 in the afternoon, the lighting works for me. The way the wing is illuminated by the sun really catches my eye.

Timing – The fact that this was shot during take off makes it a really strong image too. These guys don’t always get enough lift to get off the ground.

Don’t go away just yet. I am also going to recommend that you look at this WOW photo by Kathleen Connally. If you would like to suggest a particular photo to be included in an upcoming Wednesday’s WOW post, please send me an email

NOTE: The idea for “Makeover Monday” and “WOW Wednesay” were both inspired by junk email or snail mail I have saved. I knew they would come in handy for something someday!

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You can also sign up for a “free” subscription to this Blog. Just look in the upper right hand side of the Blog under “Subscribe to Sherri’s Blog.” Then, either click on the orange button, or enter your email address and click on “subscribe.”

Visit our Stock Photo Website for links to photo galleries.

Top 10 Photo Related Tweets of the Week

by Sherri on May 29, 2009

Paragliding over the Cronan Ranch, Pilot Hill, California.

I’m doing another Top 10 Photo Related Tweets of the Week. Last weeks post was such a huge success in terms of spreading great information, it just might become a weekly habit!

Hopefully, you will find new folks to follow and/or tweets that you missed during the week. That is the beauty of Twitter. We are all in this thing together and the only way it will work is to help one another.

You can retweet (RT) this post, by clicking on the lime green retweet button at the bottom of this post. It will take you directly to Twitter. If you don’t know about the importance of retweeting, you will learn all about it when you read #2 below.

  1. @jimgoldstein Why Social Media Matters to Photographers | JMG-Galleries – Jim M. Goldstein …
  2. @jimgoldstein The Birds and the Bees of Social Media Connectivity
  3. @scottkelby talks about his shots in Nikon World Magazine
  4. @damienfranco 20 Amazing Photographers From Around The Internet
  5. @fotozine 8 Daily Photo Blogs That Provide Inspiration –
  6. @ricksammon Sex, Lies and Photoshop:
  7. @BHPhotoVideo Three ways to shoot a quick, last minute portrait.
  8. @featureshoot: Q&A with Photo Editors- Loyalty vs. New Talent:
  9. @davidsanger Hollingsworth on Stock Photography and the future and
  10. @ricksammon And now for something complete different from me. See today’s blog post about Successful Social Media Marketing:

Thank you for visiting. If you would like to leave a comment, simply click on the “comments” link (add your message in the box) at the bottom of this post.

You can also sign up for a “free” subscription to this Blog. Just look in the upper right hand side of the Blog under “Subscribe to Sherri’s Blog.” Then, either click on the orange button, or enter your email address and click on “subscribe.”

Visit our Stock Photo Website for links to photo galleries.

Baby Boomers Dance in the Sky

by Sherri on May 27, 2009


Paraglider getting a bird's eye view of the Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park, Pilot Hill, California.

If you are looking for a great place to have a paragliding adventure, check out the Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park.

This shot was taken during our most recent hike at the Cronan Ranch. This guy (I think his name was Randy) was having a great flight and he put on a great show for the camera.

As it turns out, the majority of the group (about 8-10) he was flying with that day were “Baby Boomers.” That was really cool, because photographing active Baby Boomers is one of my specialties. I stumbled upon a gold mine, when I found these guys! [click to continue…]

Quad Adventure in Truckee, California

by Sherri on May 4, 2009

Jeff riding his Quad along the shore of Prosser Reservoir, Truckee, California.

This shot was taken during our recent road trip to the Truckee/Lake Tahoe area to capture travel, adventure and lifestyle photos for our stock files.

The first stop during our road trip was at Prosser Reservoir for a little Quad fun and photos. This photo is one of my favorites from our photo shoot.

Photo Details – In Camera

This pan photo was shot on a Nikon D300 with a Nikon 70-200 zoom lens attached, using the following camera settings: ISO 100, shutter speed 1/10 sec., aperture f 20.

Post processing in Lightroom

I set the Clarity to +100 and the Vibrance to +45.

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You can also sign up for a “free” subscription to this Blog. Just look in the upper right hand side of the Blog under “Subscribe to Sherri’s Blog.” Then, either click on the orange button, or enter your email address and click on “subscribe.”

Visit our Stock Photo Website for links to photo galleries.

Early season rafters, paddling a smooth section of the South Fork of the American River, near Coloma, California.

This photo was taken during my photo shoot this past Sunday, at the Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park.

One of the great things about living in Auburn is it’s location. We are located in the heart of the California Gold Country and in the midst of one of the best recreational playgrounds in the country. Within minutes, we can be hiking, skiing, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, kayaking, canoeing, trail running, gold panning, fishing to name just a few. [click to continue…]

Maile’s First Solo Flight

by Sherri on January 25, 2009

Maile Brossa taking her first solo paragliding flight, Cronan Ranch Regional Trails park, Pilot Hill, California.

Recently, I wrote about a gal paragliding over the Sierra Foothill’s. Thanks to Philip Green for stumbling across my previous post and for contacting me to let me know who she was.

This is Maile Brossa. She was here visiting from Paris, France. This was her first solo flight and I just happened to catch it on film!

She was here with her instructors, the Acrotwins, who are acro paraglider pilots. They are ranked #1 in the USA and 7th in the worlds top acro pilots.

The traffic on this Blog has been crazy all week because of that post. Fortunatley, I took a few photos that day and the photo above is another one of my favorites of Maile’s first solo flight.

Thank you for visiting. If you would like to leave a comment, simply click on the “comments” link (add your message in the box) at the bottom of this post.

You can also sign up for a “free” subscription to this Blog. Just look in the upper right hand side of the Blog under “Subscribe to Sherri’s Blog.” Then, either click on the link and choose your reader, or type in your email address.

Visit our Website for links to photo galleries.

Paragliding Over the Sierra Foothill’s

by Sherri on January 16, 2009

Woman paragliding over the Cronan Ranch, Pilot Hill, California.

There were horseback riders; lot’s of them. There were mountain bikers. There were hikers. Then, there were the paragliders.

Come to find out the Cronan Ranch is quite the popular spot for paragliding. There were several paragliders leaping off of the ridge the day of our hike. I think the most interesting thing about it was watching the horses watch the paragliders.

The woman in this photo was having the best ride while we were there. She was also the most colorful and photogenic.

I don’t know who she was, but I hope she or someone she knows stumbles across this photo of her someday!

Thank you for visiting. If you would like to leave a comment, simply click on the “comments” link (add your message in the box) at the bottom of this post.

Visit our Website for links to photo galleries.

Update: I was just contacted by Philip Green, who knows who this woman is. Her name is Maile Brossa. She was here visiting from Paris France with her instructors the Acrotwins, who just happen to be the #1 acro paraglider pilots in the USA. To top that off, this was also Maile’s first solo flight!

You can read Philip’s comment at the bottom of this post.