Woman mountain biking on the Stagecoach Trail in Auburn, California the "Endurance Capital of the World."
If you are into shooting action as I am, Auburn is a great place to do it. They don’t call us the “Endurance Capital of the World” for nothing. People travel from all over the world to participate in several annual events held here each year, as we have some of the best multi-use trails in the country. Auburn is no longer just a stopping off point in route to Lake Tahoe and Reno. It is becoming a travel destination in it’s own right!
I was on the hunt for mountain bikers the day I shot this photo, while hiking on the Stagecoach Trail. As a local, I know where the hot spots are for action. I was standing on top of a picnic table near the trails edge, ready for my first victim to come flying down the hill. I don’t think she ever saw me, she was going so fast!
Because I was so close to the trail, I had to use my 28-7o mm zoom lens; not the 80-200 mm zoom lens I normally use for panning photographs. Back then, I was shooting with the Nikon D70, so the lowest ISO I could use was 200. My shutter speed was set at 1/30 sec. and my aperture was f 16.
Panning is one of the techniques I use a lot when shooting action. If you would like to learn how to shoot action and adventure, I will be leading a Action & Adventure Photo Workshop nearby on May 1st. I’d love to have you join me. For information and to register, please click on the previous link.
SPECIAL – You can also organize your own group of 5-8 and one person gets to attend for FREE!
Comments or questions are always welcome!