Peg Challender kayaking on Lake Clementine, Auburn, California
Peg and I had a great day of kayaking and photographing at Lake Clementine. This photo was shot on the way back to the car.
The light was going fast. We had to hustle to get back to the parking lot before sundown, or we would risk getting locked in for the night. We only had about 30 minutes to paddle back and capture a few low light shots along the way. But, it took us longer than that. I think it took us 45 minutes or so. We were the last ones out. But, at least we made it out!
I didn’t have much light or time. And using a tripod (even if I had one with me) was not an option. Determined to “go with the flow,” I decided to use the techniques of zooming and panning during my paddle back to the car. They work great in low light situations like this.
The photo above is one of the zoomed shots I decided to keep. You might not like it. That’s okay. I do. That’s what matters in the end.
How I got the shot
First of all, I had to paddle at the same speed as Peg was paddling. That was a little tricky, as I would have to paddle hard, then stop to photograph. Then repeat.
This was shot using a 28-70mm lens set at 58mm, 1/10 sec, F10, ISO 200.
To see more of our kayaking photos, visit our kayaking gallery.