Cocoa “Little Brown Bear” ready for a hike at Lake Faucherie, CA

by Sherri on August 24, 2007


Photo – Cocoa waiting patiently for a hike to the waterfalls, Lake Faucherie, CA

We are back home now after 4 wonderful days of camping at Lake Faucherie. Actually, we camped below the lake at Canyon Creek Campground. The lake itself has a couple of group camp sites that get reserved as soon as they become available, unless you camp during the week only.

We are now playing catch up in the office, editing the images from our trip to Faucherie and uploading the remaining Cabo San Lucas Stock Photos to our Website. While going through the images from our camping trip, I came across this image of our dog, Cocoa, also known as “Little Brown Bear.” Can you figure out why? That’s right, because she looks like a bear! She looks so much like a bear, that several times while out hiking, we have had people yell “theres a bear over there!” And when we go hiking during hunting season, we even put an orange bandana around her neck so she won’t get shot. No, not as in photographs, but shot as in hunted.  

I thought since so many of you nature photographers out there shoot (photograph) bears, you might enjoy this photo.  I will be posting more photos from this trip soon.  

Eventually, Cocoa will have her own pages on this blog. Some of what she will post will be her favorite places to hike, kayak, canoe, camp, snowshoe, cross country ski, as well as her favorite back road drives right in her own backyard – California’s Gold Country and Sierra Region.

1 Richard August 24, 2007 at 10:52 pm

I love pets! It will be cool to see photos from her point of view. I’m thinking of hitting up the Gold Rush Days and the State Fair next weekend.

2 Sherri Meyer August 25, 2007 at 5:50 am

I read on your blog, that you also have a dog named Koko. I couldn’t help but notice! Yes, Cocoa has a lot of favorite places! It should be fun to write about them and post photos, as a resource for other dog lovers who live here or are traveling to this area. Maybe they will even end up in the California Dog Lover’s Companion book! Are you familiar with it? The gal that authors it, lives in SF. We have used it many times. Have fun in SAC if you go. We have never been to the Gold Rush Days and have only been to the State Fair once. Can you believe that? We are usually out in the sticks somewhere during our travels. There is so much to see and do around here in our neck-of-the-woods, it’s hard to do it all! Can’t wait to see your photos from the trip!

3 Richard August 25, 2007 at 1:26 pm

I have a dog Koko. Her previous owners told us that’s what her name was so it stuck. 🙂 She responds to “bean, bean” aka. Cocoa Beans, as well. I have never heard of the dog lover’s companion book, I will have to look that up because I could definetely use the advice! She begs me way too much for treats and gets quite bossy at times. The two dogs I’ve had seem like they train me rather than the other way around…

I’ve been wanting to do more of the Gold Country for quite some time. I drove through Auburn once on the way to the Yuba River I think. I remember seeing that white church. Hopefully it cools off by next week.

4 Sherri August 27, 2007 at 6:31 am

The book “The California Dog Lover’s Companion is actually a travel book. It is full of great “dog friendly” accomodations, parks, etc., that welcome well behaved dogs. Yes, if you went to the Yuba River, you most likely did drive through Auburn.

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