China Wall Staging Area – Foresthill, CA

by Sherri on February 9, 2008

Sherri & Cocoa checking out the Sierra view at China Wall, near Foresthill, California.

We just had one of our best cross country ski days ever, this past Thursday. Jeff, Cocoa and I headed for one of our favorite cross country skiing and snowshoe spots in the Sierras, China Wall.

The conditions couldn’t have been better! There was a 4-5 foot base to ski on and only a dozen or so people were there besides us. The weather was about 45 degrees and just perfect for skiing. And the best part was, the parking area at China Wall had just been plowed the day before. We were actually some of the first people to use the area, since the series of snowfalls we just had.

More photos of the China Wall area and Sugar Pine Reservoir to come. Please check back soon!

Directions to China Wall

China Wall is about 45 minutes from Auburn, on the Foresthill Divide, in the Tahoe National Forest. Take the Auburn-Foresthill Road towards Foresthill. After a mile or so, you will cross the famous Foresthill Bridge, which is quite a site to see and an adventure to drive. Keep going on Auburn-Foreshill Road until you can’t go any further. Park at the China Wall Staging Area parking lot.


If you are going and you don’t own skis or snowshoes, you can rent them in Auburn at the Sierra Outdoor Center.

If you have any questions about recreation at China Wall, or nearby Sugar Pine Reservoir, please feel free to leave a comment, or email me at

1 Melli February 9, 2008 at 3:52 pm

for a second i thought you had gone skiing at the great wall of china… *giggle*

2 Sherri Meyer February 10, 2008 at 7:27 am

That’s funny! I can see why you would think that, with a name like China Wall.

3 Mark March 30, 2011 at 9:40 am

Can you snowmobile and ride quad’s with tracks?

4 Sherri March 30, 2011 at 1:16 pm

Hi Mark,

Yes, you can snowmobile or ride a quad with tracks for miles and miles and miles. You will love it!


5 Bruce November 19, 2011 at 5:43 pm

We are looking for places for kids to sled, toboggan, inner-tube, etc. Would China Wall be suitable? Thanks!

6 Sherri November 20, 2011 at 7:38 am

Hi Bruce,

Thank you for contacting me about China Wall. It is a wonderful place to bring kids. There should be snow there, if you are thinking of going today, but I’m not sure how much. It is about the same altitude as Blue Canyon and it is getting snow right now. Chain control is from Baxter to Truckee this morning.

There are hills near the parking lot at China Wall for sledding, as well as several parking areas on the right hand side of Foresthill Road, before you get to China Wall. If there is a lot of snow at China Wall, they will close the road at that point and you can snowshoe on the road. There are also side roads on both sides of the road, but the closest one is probably 1/2 mile or so up on your right. Your best bet would probably be to park at the back side of the parking lot, where the good sledding hills are and do your sledding there. For snowshoeing, I recommend that you snowshoe directly from the parking lot and stay on the same side of the road. With a big group of kids, you probably won’t go very far.

I recommend that you keep the news on for awhile this morning, to see where the snow level is. The one thing you don’t want to do is go up there if it is raining. No fun!

Hope this helps. I will be on the computer for a couple more hours, if you have any more questions. 🙂


7 Todd Baltzley December 11, 2012 at 10:14 am

What is the snow level like on Foresthill Road? Is the gate closed or is it still open?

8 Sherri December 12, 2012 at 7:17 am

Hi Todd,

I’m not sure, as I don’t live up there. I’m down in Auburn. I would imagine with the lack of low snowfall this season that it could still be open.


9 mark February 27, 2014 at 3:18 pm

Can you sled here with young children? Are there hills?

10 Sherri April 1, 2014 at 10:35 am

Hi Mark,

Sorry to take so long to get back to you. Your young children can sled at the China Wall Staging Area. Don’t bother going up there, unless there is a foot or more of snow pack at Blue Canyon. Watch the news and when Blue Canyon gets a lot of snow, it is most likely a good time to go. I’m thinking this weekend will be great, depending on how much snow Blue Canyon got during this storm.

Hope this helps,

11 Todd April 1, 2014 at 10:39 am

Yes, BUT…there are many crazy four wheel drivers that are looking to conquer the road with less than adequate vehicles. So you got to know when you are on the road and when you are not. Normal high snow years the road is closed. We drove our Honda Civic a mile past China Wall Staging area and parked right on part of the road last Sunday. We shoed in a couple miles. Only saw one vehicle but there were tracks looking like a lot of people had been down there earlier.

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