Aspen grove near Bridgeport, CA

by Sherri on October 17, 2007


Photo # 1 – As shot (Aspen grove near Bridgeport, CA)


Photo # 2 was underexposed, then saturated (Aspen grove near Bridgport, CA)

It looks like we are not going to get in a fall color shoot this year in the high country. We were in Sierra County, near Truckee about 3 weeks ago and we were too early. Now, it’s too late. So I decided to put up a photo from our fall colors trip last October, along scenic highway 395. Actually, I’m putting up 2 of them again and I would love your opinion on which one you prefer. I will go ahead and give you my opinion. I prefer #2. But, I loved #1 until I started experimenting with it.

I’m learning that just about any photo can be improved, even when you think it can’t. But, then again, that’s just my opinion!

1 kerry October 17, 2007 at 10:24 am

My gosh,…your choice is mine. The colors are so bright and bold.but what I so like about the other is that you can see The tree trunk all way to the top branches.

2 Richard Wong October 17, 2007 at 10:58 am

I think halfway between the two would be a great compromise. The trees in #1 look great, whereas everything else looks better in #2. I think perhaps playing around with the Selective Color adjustment layer could help.

If Fall turns out to be a total washout, hopefully there’ll be some snow soon this year. We had none at all in the local mountains last winter.

3 Sherri Meyer October 17, 2007 at 11:19 am


You have a good point and once again, I tend to agree with you. I kept going back and forth looking at the trees in the first one thinking they looked better. But, overall I liked #2 better. I will add a photo # 3 later and we will compare it to the other 2.

Thanks again for your input. Two minds are better than one!


4 Sherri October 17, 2007 at 12:13 pm

Thank you Kerry, for stopping by and giving me your opinion on these photos. I think I will take Richard’s suggestion and strike a balance between the two. Check back tomorrow and I will have # 3 up for critique.

Thanks again for visiting.

Your cousin, Sherri

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