Up in Smoke

by Sherri on July 9, 2008

Our neighborhood in Auburn, California

For 17 days now, this is what it has looked like around here. The forest fires currently burning about 30-miles or so from Auburn near Foresthill (in Placer County), were just ranked #1 in the nation. Hopefully, with the additional 200 firefighters that were just added to the crew, they will be able to get a grip on it soon.

It has been recommended, that we do not go out in it if we don’t have to. That includes exercising. If we do have to go out in it, do so after 10:00 a.m.. Apparently the air is at it’s worst between 1:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m..

Unfortunately, we are now having a heat wave and temps are reaching 110 degrees. So, exercsing later in the day when the air is better isn’t very appealing either. It also isn’t the best conditions for photography.

On Monday, Jeff and I decided to take a walk anyway. Who knows? This could go on for another 17 days! Then, I thought maybe I should even bring my camera along. If nothing else, I could document the conditions we are currently living in. I’m glad I did!

It’s interesting to me, that such horrible conditions can actually help in the creation of great photographs. How can something so ugly and bad be so good at the same time, for other purposes?

In the next couple of days, I hope to get some beautifully-ugly, bright-orange sunset shots, before the sky clears up. That is what I call making the best out of a bad situation!

Thank you to all the firefighters who are out there fighting the hundreds of fires currently burning in California.

Check out the Auburn Journal for more information on the Placer County fires.

1 Lisa Ryan July 9, 2008 at 10:36 pm

Sherri, (I thought I already posted but it seemed to get lost)I was up at Sugar Pine Lake today (July 9th) trying to get cool and watching the helicopters scoop water and fly to the fires and thought there were some great pictures begging to be taken. The air conditions are still bad and as a result the light still has that somewhat eerie or ethereal feel to it- Watching the effect of the helicopter downdraft on the water and surrounded by that strange lighting made me think all that was missing was a soundtrack!

2 Sherri July 10, 2008 at 5:17 am

Hi Lisa,

Great to hear from you again. I thought maybe you decided to stay in Texas.

I deleted your other 2 messages. For some reason, you had to be moderated again. Probably because it’s been so long since you posted your last comment.

Wow – your day at Sugar Pine sounds very interesting. There would have been a lot of beautifully-ugly photo ops I’m sure.

I heard they closed Foresthill Road at the turn off to Sugar Pine Reservoir yesterday. How did you get there?

3 Richard Wong July 10, 2008 at 11:15 am

That is crazy hot, it’s hot here too but not quite 110. Hopefully you’re able to breathe okay.

4 Sherri Meyer July 11, 2008 at 4:07 am

We’re hanging in there. I really feel for all the people with Athsma!

5 christie provost July 11, 2008 at 1:19 pm

glad to see you’re still taking pictures! truthfully, i’ve been far too lazy. lol isn’t this smoke terrible? it hasn’t affected me too badly but today, i just feel gross. hopefully it’s gone soon!

6 Sherri Meyer July 11, 2008 at 3:29 pm

I really have to push myself. I totally understand your need to be lazy though. After 19 days of this, I think it has taken it’s toll on our body, mind and spirit!

The smoke is the worst I’ve ever experienced. This afternoon (Friday) has been a huge improvement. The smoke has mostly blown out of here and the temp only got to the low 90’s. I think it’s predicted to improve even more over the weekend.


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