Towns & Cities

Holiday Time in Old Town Auburn

by Sherri on December 16, 2008

Auburn Volunteer Fire Department, Old Town Auburn, California

A few days ago, we went down into Old Town Auburn to see it all dressed up for Christmas and capture it on film (memory card). One of the best subjects to photograph there is the Auburn Volunteer Fire Department (oldest in the West). I especially like the way it looks at this time of the year.

Many of you have probably seen it before, as you are passing through Auburn on the way to the Reno-Tahoe area. Or maybe you have stopped off in Old Town for a Walking Tour, or to dine at one of it’s many fine restaurants. You could also be fortunate enough to live here as we are.

While I was developing this image, I decided to set the White Balance (WB) to “Tungsten” to give it a more cold, moody feeling. I really like the way it turned out, but I’m curious to get the opinions of others.

Does it work for you?

I value and respect your opinion either way. Thank you for taking the time to evaluate this photo and giving me your feedback. To leave a comment, simply click on the “comments” link at the bottom of this post.

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More Quad Fun!

by Sherri on December 15, 2008

Jeff having fun on his new Quad, Auburn, California

I was hoping to post a photo of snowfall in Auburn today. But, the temp needs to drop a couple of degrees or so, for the rain to turn into snow. It did snow on and off here yesterday, but not enough to stick. Right now, chain control is only about 5-miles away, so things could change any minute. We also hear that a couple more “low snow” storms are on their way.

Who knows? Maybe we will even be able to use the snowplow that came with Jeff’s Quad to plow our driveway, during this series of storms! That’s not likely, but if that need should ever present itself, we will be prepared.

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Off-Road Adventures in Auburn

by Sherri on December 12, 2008

Jeff trail riding his new Quad in rural Auburn, California

You might remember reading a few months ago about us selling “Blue Thunder,” our Toyota Landcruiser after owning it for 25 years. Well, Jeff did better parting with it than I did, because he had another goal in mind. He wanted a Quad.

A couple weeks ago, we took it to an area near where we live for a photo shoot. We had scouted this area out a few times before the timing was right. I wanted to see dust flying behind him, which I wasn’t going to get soon after a rainfall. I also wanted great backlighting and fall colors.

Waiting a couple of weeks until those elements all came together really paid off. We ended up with over a 100 keepers from this shoot. Although I’m not into the sport myself, I will have to say this was one of the most exciting photo shoots I’ve ever done!

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Above the Fog?

by Sherri on December 9, 2008

A foggy morning in Auburn, California #1.

One of the really neat things about living in Auburn is that it is “Above the fog and below the snow.” [click to continue…]

In Sync at Panorama Park

by Sherri on December 7, 2008

Man walking his dog at Panorama Park, Bakersfield, California.

During our recent visit to Bakersfield, I photographed a lot of people enjoying what Panorama Park has to offer. While I was editing the images from the trip, the 2 photos in this post were among my favorites. I analyzed them to see if there was a common denominator in these 2 particular photos.

Besides the fact that everyone in these photos look extremely happy to be there, everyone (including the fur person) was in sync with their companion.

Woman and her young son running on the pathway at Panorama Park, Bakersfield, California.

If anyone out there knows any of these wonderful models, please have them contact me. Thank you!

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Simply Beautiful!

by Sherri on December 4, 2008

Ornamental grass at Panorama Park, Bakersfield, California.

I’m not sure exactly what type of ornamental grass this is. It is one of many beautiful plants growing along the pathways at Panorama Park.

Shot at 1/200 sec, f 4.0, ISO 400

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Panorama Park

by Sherri on December 2, 2008

Jeff & Cocoa looking down on the oil fields from the bluffs at Panorama Park, Bakersfield, California.

We just returned from our annual trip to Bakersfield for Thanksgiving. Bakersfield is not usually thought of as a travel destination. But, through the years, I have become quite addicted to photographing Panorama Park. Because I return there each Thanksgiving, I know what to expect when I get there.

One subject there is always an abundance of are people exercising their dogs, which is one of my favorite subjects to photograph. Panorama Park is located on the bluffs, overlooking the oil fields, river and aqueduct. It also offers a great, wide-open back drop for photographs. Once I find the perfect spot, all I have to do is wait for my subjects to pass by.

I also had high hopes of capturing a great sunset like I did last year, but that didn’t pan out. Instead, I was presented with foggy conditions, which can also be very fun to work with.

The photo above is one of many photos I took during our daily walks on the bluffs this year.

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Kayaking Lake Clementine

by Sherri on October 12, 2008

Our own private beach at Lake Clementine, Auburn, California

Jeff, Jeff and I paddled for about an hour, then we stopped off at this beautiful spot for lunch. The shoreline at the upper end of the lake is dotted with beaches like this.

The next time we paddle here will hopefully be this winter. We have wanted to do a winter paddle here to view wildlife for years, but when winter comes we are usually cross country skiing, snowshoeing or hiking.

Maybe it’s time to quit talking about it and “just do it!” I don’t think we will be hanging out at the beach, however!

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Fall Paddle on Lake Clementine

by Sherri on October 8, 2008

Jeff and Jeff kayaking on Lake Clementine, Auburn, California.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the next stop on our August Road Trip was Ahjumawi Lava Springs State Park. But, before I write about that mind blowing place, I wanted to share a little bit about what we have been shooting since that trip.

This photo was taken about 3 weeks ago at Lake Clementine, one of our favorite places to kayak and canoe. Soon, the upper end of the lake where we put in will be closing for the season and we wanted to do a fall paddle before that time comes.

The weather that day was perfect. It was in the mid to upper 80’s and we had the lake to ourselves as Jeff (in the yellow kayak) was describing in this photo.

By the way, I just learned that kayaking is the new activity of choice for “Baby Boomers.” That explains why we like it so much!

Note: The lower end of the lake is open year-round.

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Baby Boomer Stock Photography Slideshow

by Sherri on September 19, 2008

Baby Boomer Sherri Meyer viewing the spillway at Lake Clementine, Auburn, California (taken by Jeff Meyer).

A few days ago, I was reading Richard Wong’s Photo Blog. He had put together an awesome slideshow, showcasing a selection of his travel images from his PhotoShelter Archive.

I thought that was such a brilliant idea, I decided to create my own slideshow, showcasing some of my favorite “Baby Boomer” images from MY PhotoShelter Archive.

You can view it here: Baby Boomer Stock Photography Slideshow.