Top 10 Lightroom Tweets of the Week

by Sherri on September 18, 2009


Donna & Maya Bussinger rafting on the Middle Fork of the American River, Auburn, California.


Maya Bussinger rafting on the Middle Fork of the American River, Auburn, California.

I’m putting up a couple more photos from our recent rafting trip on the Middle Fork of the American River, with our friend Donna (former Professional Raft Guide) and her 4-year old daughter Maya. I hope they like them!

About the photos

These photos were developed using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2. Writing this post each week is two fold. I can share a wealth of Lightroom tips with you and I can also share one or more of my images, that I have developed using Lightroom.

Would you like to know what I did in Lightroom to improve these original images? If so, feel free to ask in the comments section below.

OK all of you Lightroomers. Here are your Top 10 Lightroom Tweets of the Week in random order. Happy Lightrooming!

  1. @terrylwhite has posted a new Lightroom 2 tutorial video:
  2. @NAPP_News Into Lightroom? Then You Need to be at Photoshop World in Vegas
  3. @scouten How I Organize My Lightroom Catalog and Why (2009 Edition)
  4. @krysko57 Useful Lightroom tips:
  5. @TipSquirrel Another great guest post from @Ashumittal “Comparing Before-and-After Views in Lightroom”
  6. @Alltop_Photo Lightroom noise reduction
  7. @heninger Lightroom Tuesday! Tips, Tricks & Tutorials to sate your innermost Lightroom cravings…
  8. @PhotoWalkPro Cleaning Out Your Lightroom Catalog (Part A): (Part B):
  9. @kajorn Emailing photos from, and viewing GPS metadata in Lightroom
  10. @xequals Smart Is As Smart Does – Lightroom >> Photoshop Smart Objects –

Reminder – Don’t forget to join the NEW Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Group on Facebook. The group could use a few more members. We also need to get a few more discussion topics started. If you have any questions, comments, information etc. pertaining to Lightroom, this is a great place to post it. Visit the following link to join

In case you missed my previous “Top 10 Tweets of the Week” posts, you can view them all by clicking on the Top 10 Tweets of the Week category on the sidebar of this Photo Blog.

You can retweet (RT) this post, by clicking on the lime green retweet button at the bottom of this post. It will take you directly to Twitter. If you don’t know about the importance of retweeting, please refer to this post by Jim Goldstein.

Visit our Stock Photo Website for links to photo galleries.

Thank you for visiting!

1 Donna September 18, 2009 at 12:26 pm

Sherri, these are great! I like the way you are able to capture subjects (us) in the same raft as you are in without everything looking distorted or too up close.

2 Sherri September 18, 2009 at 3:56 pm

Hi Donna – thank you for your comment, it means a lot to me. I’m also really glad that you like the photos. That was my first experience photographing subjects from inside the raft I’m in. I’m usually photographing other rafts and from the shore. I traveled very light on that trip. I could only take one lens and my wide-angle was the only REAL option. I’m very pleased with the photo shoot. I’m also really glad my gear survived the trip!

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