by Sherri on October 8, 2010

Little Jeff kayaking on Gold Lake, Sierra County, California.
It has been awhile since I have posted a photo with a person in it and that is what I am known for the most.
Kayaking on Gold Lake in Sierra County is pretty cool. Little Jeff pictured here paddled the entire shoreline and it took him 3 hours. That included stopping a few times for the wind to let up. Had he done this earlier in the morning, he probably could have done it in half the time!
Little Jeff makes a great model. He doesn’t mind sporting something RED and paddling around for the camera until I tell him “It’s a wrap!” Then, he goes and does his own thing. He got a little cold on this trip at times, as he had to take off a layer to get down to the RED. Now, he is looking for a RED windbreaker that he can wear on the outside. This winter, he wants to go snowshoeing with us. Maybe we should buy him a RED jacket for Christmas!
Have a great weekend everyone!
by Sherri on June 3, 2010

Steve Hadley & Peg Challender stop to enjoy the scenery on the East Ridge Trail at the Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park, near Coloma, California.
We have been really busy shooting adventure & outdoor lifestyle images lately. While we have been doing our share of complaining about the strange weather we have been having this year, it has been better than normal for photography.
By this time of the year, the landscape in this area is usually brown. But, as you can see in this photo I captured over Memorial Day Weekend, it is still very green. There are also still a lot of wildflowers in the Sierra Foothills, as compared to a normal year.
The photo above of our friends Steve & Peg is one of many new photos we captured on a beautiful Spring day in the Sierra Foothills.
See more Adventure and Outdoor Lifestyle Images on our Sherri Meyer Photography Business Page, or by visiting our Adventure and Outdoor Lifestyles photo archive.
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Peg Challender working in her garden in the Sierra Foothill's.
Where have I been?
In a nutshell…I’ve been sick. Came down with the flu, which lasted 4 weeks. During this time, Jeff & I had two trees taken down and we did all the clean up. Did I mention the endless mowing? With all of the rain we have had this year, there has been more yard work than ever. We have also been updating our Website, so there has been no time for blogging until now.
Last week was our Anniversary week. We were heading for the desert, then we decided to head for the coast. Guess what we did instead? We took a “Staycation.” Since I was still a little under the weather (Jeff eventually got sick too), we stayed home and worked on the projects mentioned above. We did manage to get out for two hikes/photo shoots.
When you live in a place like we do, there are so many things to do, it makes it a lot easier to vacation in our own backyard! We live in “One of the Best Recreational Playgrounds in the Country!”
We hiked the Codfish Falls Trail and the Cronan Ranch Regional Park Trails, both among our favorite local places to hike. Click here to see a video Jeff made of our hiking adventure on the Codfish Falls Trail. To see a great photo of Codfish Falls, check out this post by Leon Turnbull of
Coming Soon! New images from our most recent hike at the Cronan Ranch Regional Trails Park.
Thank you for visiting and as always comments & questions are welcomed and appreciated! 😉
by Sherri on April 2, 2010

Baby Boomer Bobby Tudsbury kickin' up her heels, during her "Big Time Wowy-Zowy Retirement Party," on Wednesday in Roseville, California.
Wednesday was a very unique day for Jeff & I. We attended a retirement party we will never forget. Our friend, Bobby Tudsbury, rounded up about 40 friends and relatives for a one of a kind party to celebrate the “end of an era.” After working as a Hostler/Servicing Engineer at the J.R. Davis Railroad Yard in Roseville for 33 years, Bobby was calling it quits.
We were to arrive at the Railroad Yard promptly at 4:00 in the afternoon, for a group photo on (and around) one of the locomotives. Women were to come dressed SEXY. That didn’t fly too well with most of us ladies. It was cold. I opted for warm, not SEXY. Sure glad I did!
Funny thing, the group photo was more like 100 group photos. Our friend, Steve Chandler, was the lucky one with the assignment and he is a Landscape Photographer! He did a great job and was a great sport.
While it was a ton of fun being in the photos, I wanted to see the group from the Photographers perspective. I took a few photos and this one was one of my favorites!
As always, thanks for visiting and comments are always welcome and appreciated!
by Sherri on March 29, 2010

Kim Brown and her new dog friend, Utica Reservoir, Alpine County, California.
We are in the midst of developing a new collection of Travel and Outdoor Lifestyle images. Here is one of the images that will be added to our Outdoor Lifestyles Gallery soon.
Check out this article “6 Tips for Capturing Great Outdoor Lifestyle Photos” to see how I go about creating images such as the one above. If you have any questions or comments about this image, please feel free to add them in the comments section below.
Thank you for visiting!
by Sherri on February 9, 2010

Active Baby Boomer Peg Challender kayaking on Lake Clementine, Auburn, California.
Could I possibly be dreaming of warmer weather?
Yep, that is one reason why I choose to feature this photo of Peg kayaking on Lake Clementine for today’s post. Also, Peg is a great friend and model, who appears in a lot of my Outdoor Lifestyle photos.
You, go girl!
See more of our kayaking photos.
Thank you for visiting. If you would like to leave a comment, simply click on the “comments” link (add your message in the box) at the bottom of this post.
by Sherri on December 14, 2009

Sherri & Cocoa running in 8" of snow in our front yard, during the "BIG Sierra Snowstorm" last week. This image was processed using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.
It’s hard to believe, that 1 week ago today our front yard looked like this. What a fun day it was and one that will never be forgotten. This is only the 2nd time in 22 years we have had this much snow!
Although I wouldn’t want to live where we would have to dig our way out, I would like to experience a snowstorm like this 2-3 times per year!
More photos of this epic storm to come…
by Sherri on November 6, 2009

Sherri & Cocoa hiking along the North Fork of the American River, Auburn, California. This image was developed using both Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 & Adobe Photoshop CS3.
It’s been a couple of weeks since we took this hike. The color down in the canyon was looking pretty good then. This weekend, we are returning to a different location along the American River for more Fall photos. I’m really looking forward to getting out again. I’ve been tethered to my computer too long in one stretch.
I should have some new Fall nature images up next week for you all to see.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Thank you for visiting. If you would like to leave a comment, simply click on the “comments” link (add your message in the box) at the bottom of this post.
Visit our Stock Photo Website for links to photo galleries.
by Sherri on October 21, 2009

Sherri & Cocoa out for a run in our rural Auburn, CA neighborhood.
Now that Fall has arrived here in the Sierra Foothill’s, I feel a lot more like going out for a run!
This image was taken near where we live in rural Auburn, California. Remember – great photographs can be found “Right in Your Own Backyard!”
When I developed this image in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2, I added a little fill light, increased the Clarity to 50 and the Vibrance to 70. If you are not using Lightroom, I highly recommend that you give it a try!
Thank you for visiting. If you would like to leave a comment, simply click on the “comments” link (add your message in the box) at the bottom of this post.
Visit our Stock Photo Website for links to photo galleries.
by Sherri on September 14, 2009

Jeff Hartnett and Kim Brown kayaking on Utica Reservoir, Alpine County, California.
This image was also captured during our camping trip to Alpine County last month.
If you would like to know how this shot was captured, how it was developed in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2, or you would like more information on Utica Reservoir, simply leave a comment below.
You can also read all of my previous posts on Utica Reservoir here.
Thank you for visiting!