Summit Lake Reflections

by Sherri on October 5, 2010


Summit Lake Reflections - Sierra County, California.

This image of trees reflecting in Summit Lake is not very original. I see this type of image quite often actually, but I love them! When we (Big Jeff, Little Jeff and I) arrived at Summit Lake during a hike, I saw this scene in the water and decided to go for it. I captured a few, but this one stood out from the rest. What I didn’t like about it though was that the image was too green. I wanted the blue to stand out more.

In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, I beefed up the blue. I also added some fill light. I think it’s a “keeper” now! What do you think?

Thanks for visiting!

Cheers, Sherri

1 Sherri October 7, 2010 at 7:23 am

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