Silhouette of Canoeists – Blue Lake, California

by Sherri on May 8, 2008


Silhouette of a couple canoeing on Blue Lake, Tahoe National Forest, California

There are several Blue Lakes in California. But, the one in the photo above has been a favorite of ours for many years. In fact, we have kept it a “secret” up until now. I won’t tell exactly how to get there, other than it’s the Blue Lake near Lake Spaulding, in the Tahoe National Forest.

Someone told us about this place soon after we moved to the Sierras about 22 years ago and we are so glad they did. We have visited Blue Lake close to a dozen times over the years, relying on Blue Thunder, our Toyota FJ-40 to get us there. For several years, we even had an annual camp out for my birthday at Blue Lake.

Blue Lake is a little gem of a lake. It’s great for swimming, fishing, canoeing and kayaking. There are also hiking trails in every direction and spectacular views from the top of the ridge above the lake.

To get in to the back side of the lake where we prefer to camp, you need a 4×4 vehicle. It’s only 1-mile in and it’s not a difficult mile. In fact, I have even driven the 4-runner in with no problems.

We haven’t been to Blue Lake for a few years now, as we have been off exploring new places. But, it will always be one of our “favorite” off-the-beaten-path locations.

1 Richard Wong May 8, 2008 at 11:26 am

I like the silhouette Sherri. It tells a lot. I think the shot could have more impact if the people had been closer to the bottom of the frame.

2 Sherri Meyer May 8, 2008 at 12:41 pm

Thanks Richard. I agree with you on the placement of the couple. I have others I took of this series, but this was my favorite one at the time I scanned this, for some reason.

I could crop it, but I would loose detail. It would have been better if I’d done it in camera.

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