California Poppies and Purple Lupine, Hidden Falls Regional Park, Auburn, California
The hillside near the Hidden Falls Regional Park parking lot is covered with these colorful California Poppies and Purple Lupine.
If you are short on time, or disabled and unable to take a wildflower hike here, you can still get an eyefull of color without getting out of your car.
Please refer to my last post for more information about the park.
Looks like a good amount of lupine Sherri. Seems like it is still cool where you live.
Actually, the past few days have been in the 80’s – 90’s. Then, tomorrow it’s supposed to drop to the 60’s – 70’s, just like it did a week or so ago.
It’s very unusual weather. Yesterday, it was about 95, which is not normal at all for April.
That sounds similar to down here, supposed to cool off tomorrow. It was 97 in Hollywood yesterday and I’ve had this throat / lung irritation since then. Perhaps because of the fire in the mountains along w/ smog.