Photographer’s – don’t give your work away!

by Sherri on April 19, 2007

Those of us who have had our photographic work published, know how good it feels to see our work in print. Unfortunately, photo buyers know that too! This is becoming a real problem in todays market, as young photographers are giving their work away for low or no pay, or for a photo credit only. This hurts us all in the end.

Start today by charging what you are worth, not what the photo buyer wants to pay. When you go to the grocery store do you tell the store clerk what you are willing to pay for something? Or do you pay the asking price? Well, then, why should it be any different when marketing your images? Should photographers have to give their work away just because they are passionate about what they are doing? I don’t believe so and I hope you don’t either.

Two very good articles on this subject have just been published. They are HOT, must reads for anyone who is serious about running a profitable photography business. Although the articles are geared toward assignment photography, the same principles apply to marketing stock photos.  The first one is from Mark Loundy’s monthly column and the second one is from John Harrington’s Photo Business Blog.

I hope you find these articles useful and you will share them with your photographer friends.

1 christie provost April 11, 2008 at 4:57 pm

well said! i’m going to check out those articles.


2 Sherri April 13, 2008 at 7:33 am

Thank you for your comment Christie. Hope you find the articles helpful.

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