Photo Tip: Take a Risk!

by Sherri on October 18, 2010


Photo: Couple fishing on Lower Sardine Lake, Sierra County, California.

Taking risks in photography can be a good thing! When I took this photo of the couple fishing on Lower Sardine Lake, I was actually trying to eliminate the tree. I wanted to isolate the couple from everything else. That wasn’t possible, however. So, I went ahead and took it anyway, figuring that I would dump it later. Now that I look at it, I think the tree added greatly to the image!

I think this could be one of those images that YOU will either really like, or really dislike. What do you think folks? All opinions and comments are greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Sherri

1 Sherri October 18, 2010 at 10:44 am

Thank you for the RT Rich!!! 🙂

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