New Stock Images Coming Soon!

by Sherri on February 4, 2008


Steve Hadley kayaking Sugar Pine Reservoir, Foresthill, California.

Sugar Pine Reservoir is one of our favorite spots to visit in the summer. It’s only about 45 minutes from Auburn and it’s a great spot to kayak, canoe, fish, picnic, hike, bike, run, swim and camp.

My husband and I usually bring our kayaks or our canoe and our hiking shoes and make a day trip out of it, although we have camped there a couple of times. We like to hike the 3.5-mile loop trail around the lake, then put our boats on the water for some great paddling. Our dog, Cocoa, is always with us when we visit Sugar Pine, as it is one of her favorite “dog friendly” spots too!  After awhile of paddling, she is ready (and so are we) to hang out at our favorite spot along the shore.

During the winter months, nearby China Wall Staging Area is a popular spot for Cross Country Skiing, Snowshoeing, Sled-Dogging and Snowmobiling. There are also other great spots near China Wall and Sugar Pine to play in the snow.

Foresthill is booming right now. That is one reason why we are going to be adding new Foresthill photos to our galleries soon, along with other popular subjects.

During the next few weeks, we will be processing lots of new images to add to our galleries. And many of the images we will be adding have been featured on this blog during the past few months. Here is a partial list of subjects we will be working on.

Eastern Sierras

Bodie State Historic Park, Buckeye Hot Springs/Buckeye Campground, Grover Hot Springs State Park, Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve, Yosemite National Park

Gold Country/Northern Sierras

Nevada City – Downtown

Auburn - Auburn Courthouse, mountain biking, hiking, canoeing Lake Clementine

Foresthill – Kayaking and hiking Sugar Pine Reservoir, scenics of Sugar Pine Reservoir and China Wall

Columbia – Columbia State Historic Park

Oregon (Central)

Sunriver – Flyfishing, scenics, biking

Lava Lake – Kayak fishing

La Pine State Park – Camping, hiking, running, scenics

Nevada (Northern)

Black Rock Desert (home of the Burning Man Festival), Sand Mountain, Winemucca Dunes

Thank you for visiting and be sure to check back often to see what’s new!

1 Ron Niebrugge February 5, 2008 at 9:01 pm

Looks like a great place to kayak, a fun list of photo subjects!


2 Sherri Meyer February 6, 2008 at 8:10 am

It is a great place to kayak. The water is warm and it’s never crowded! And the dog is welcome as well, which is always a plus.

3 Richard February 6, 2008 at 8:42 pm

that is a great list Sherri. You ever considered shooting Daffodill Hill as well? its only open to shoot in April I think, and on the way down to Columbia.

4 Sherri Meyer February 7, 2008 at 5:56 am

Thanks Richard. I’ve been to Daffodill Hill a couple of times many years ago, but not to photograph. One of those times I was a kid and the other time I probably had my camera, but I think it was too late (missed it by a week or so) and it was raining. You have to time that just right; when it’s not raining and during the small window of time they are blooming.

The subjects on the shoot list above, we have already shot. And many of the images on the list are slides that have to be scanned, that we haven’t gotten to until now.

5 Susan June 2, 2008 at 8:10 am

What great photos and great information. We just moved to the Auburn/Foresthill area and have been looking for places to hike and kayak with our two little ones (3-1/2 and 6 months) and the dog. This sounds like a great place to check out.

6 Sherri June 2, 2008 at 8:57 am

Hi Susan,

Thank you for taking the time to leave this message.

I will be adding much more travel information on the area, so be sure to check back often.

Have fun at Sugar Pine Reservoir!


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