Kayaking Gold Lake

by Sherri on October 8, 2010


Little Jeff kayaking on Gold Lake, Sierra County, California.

It has been awhile since I have posted a photo with a person in it and that is what I am known for the most. Kayaking on Gold Lake in Sierra County is pretty cool. Little Jeff pictured here paddled the entire shoreline and it took him 3 hours. That included stopping a few times for the wind to let up. Had he done this earlier in the morning, he probably could have done it in half the time! Little Jeff makes a great model. He doesn't mind sporting something RED and paddling around for the camera until I tell him "It's a wrap!" Then, he goes and does his own thing. He got a little cold on this trip at times, as he had to take off a layer to get down to the RED. Now, he is looking for a RED windbreaker that he can wear on the outside. This winter, he wants to go snowshoeing with us. Maybe we should buy him a RED jacket for Christmas! Have a great weekend everyone! Sherri
1 ThaiVisual October 8, 2010 at 8:38 pm

Though you said it took 3 hrs to picture this, it is really awesome and great shot. Wonderful lighting adjustment and like the blue sky which effect the water surface. Great job!

2 Sherri October 9, 2010 at 7:02 am

Thank you very much!!!

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