Horseback Riding on the Quarry Road Trail

by Sherri on February 22, 2008


Couple horseback riding on the Quarry Road Trail, Auburn State Recreation Area, Auburn, California

When Jeff, Kim and I dropped down into the American River Canyon via historic highway 49 on Monday, we were shocked and disappointed at the amount of people out and about.

All the trailhead parking areas were packed. The only time I have seen it like this is during the summer. That also turned out just fine. There were great subjects to photograph in every direction.

We passed this couple in the photo above during our hike, near where the Quarry Road Trail and the famous Western States Trail (WST) intersect. They may have even been training for the annual Tevis Cup Ride, which starts in Squaw Valley, Lake Tahoe and ends in Auburn 100-miles later. I’m not sure. But, they were great models just the same!

More outdoor recreation and nature photos taken on this hike to come.

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