Happy New Year, End of the Decade & Blue Moon!

by Sherri on December 31, 2009


Believe it or not, this is our Christmas Tree!

WOW – what an amazing day today is. It is the end of a year. It is the end of a decade. If that’s not enough to get excited about, there will also be a “Blue Moon” tonight!

About the photo

Just for fun, I decided to try waving my camera around in various patterns at our Christmas tree, while using a slow shutter speed. I tried a few different shutter speeds, before deciding on a 3 second exposure. That gave me plenty of time to get some really nice effects. I really like the results and I plan on trying a lot more new things in the new year!

When was the last time you tried something for the first time? Why not make 2010 the year for trying new things?



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