Fall in the Foothills – Auburn, CA

by Sherri on October 16, 2007


Photo – Fall colors along the middle fork of the American River, Auburn, CA

We don’t get the fall colors here in the Sierra Foothills like other parts of the country do. But, it’s still beautiful just the same. It’s just a different kind of beautiful! 


1 Richard Wong October 17, 2007 at 11:02 am

The area between Volcano and Sutter Creek looked promising three years ago when I drove through there. I don’t know what road that was since I wasn’t the one driving, but I think it followed a creek. Kind of similar scenery as this. I’ve thinking of doing Nevada City this weekend, but my car repair bill this week put a dent in the checkbook so I guess it’ll be a spur of the moment decision if I go.

2 Sherri Meyer October 17, 2007 at 11:08 am

I know what you mean. I read your Twitter message about your 90k mile check up. We had to do ours on the Tundra the next day. This one was over $400.00, because we had to do the 4×4 maintanence. And that didn’t include replacing the timing belt! That is going to move to the back burner for a little while longer!

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