I’m going to give away 1 FREE 8×12 print of this image or any other image on our Photography Website, to the first person who can guess what this is an abstract of.
In order to win, you must put your answer on this blog. Answers posted on Facebook will not count. You can also guess as many times as you want to.
This contest will end at 5:00 today, December 18th PST. If nobody wins this contest, I will run another one in the near future.
Good luck,
The abstract is of Christmas wrapping ribbon.
Thank you, Andy! Unfortunately, your answer is incorrect. 🙁
It looks like an abstract made during a long exposure by swirling a red laser pointing device onto the opposite side of a piece of glass.
Thanks, Scott…not QUITE right, but pretty darn good! 🙂
Hi everyone!
I admit this was pretty hard. Even so, some of you were on the right track. Thank you for giving it a shot!
This is our Christmas tree. Really. It is a similar photo to the one in this post: http://sherrimeyer.com/Blog/?p=4777. It was created the same way, then I took it into Photoshop and applied two filters; Blur (Radial – spin) and Artistic (Fresco) to get this look. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Hi Sherri,
When I first saw your shot I was thinking it was done with your Christmas tree and lights.. Sure, easy for me to say this now, but I know because I’ve used the same technique. It’s fun to experiment with different colored lights, create different shapes and varying the time.
Thank you,
Hi Todd,
You should have guessed that. It doesn’t matter that you have done it before! 🙂