Purple Daylily

by Sherri on June 17, 2008

Purple Daylily on my deck, Auburn, California

For this one, I decided to use one of PhotoShop’s creative filters, Poster Edges to give this shot a more artsy look. I also wanted it to look like it had been rained on, so I added the water drops. 

Some of my nature photographer friends won’t like it, because it’s not a true nature photo. But, that’s okay. You can’t please everyone.

I don’t know the actual name of this Daylily either. When I bought it from the gal at the Auburn Garden Club plant sale, it had the name written on the pot. But, when I transplanted it, the name got away from me.

If anyone knows the name of this one, please let me know by leaving a comment. Thank you!

Happy Father’s Day!

by Sherri on June 15, 2008

Jeff relaxing on our deck, Auburn, California

There are so many things we could do today to celebrate Father’s Day. But, most likely it will be spent at home listening to the live broadcast of the annual Father’s Day Bluegrass Festival in Grass Valley on KVMR, our local radio station.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Jeff is not really a Father. We only have a dog. But, that’s a good enough excuse to take the day off anyway, for a little rest and relaxation.

Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s out there, even if all you have are dogs!

Orange Daylily

by Sherri on June 12, 2008


Orange Daylily on my deck, Auburn, California

Right now, I seem to have become obsessed with my Daylilies. They are really putting on a great show this year. This is the first season I have actually photographed them.

I don’t know what the actual name for this Daylily is. Perhaps someone with more experience than me can post the name of it in the comments section. That would be great!

My Daylilies will be blooming for awhile longer and I will be posting more photos of them. Be sure to check back soon!

Answer Revealed

by Sherri on June 10, 2008

Jeff mountain biking with Sierra, in Auburn, California

A few days ago, I wrote a post Just for Fun, but didn’t reveal how the image was created until now.

We have a print of the photo above hanging on our living room wall. Just for fun, I wanted to see what would happen if I took a photo of the photo. I tried zooming this photo and this is what I ended up with. 

I really like the unique results. But, this photo clearly is the better of the two, in my opinion.

Color or Black and White?

by Sherri on June 7, 2008

Photo #1 – Original color photo of an old car, Auburn, California

Jeff and I were out for a walk in our neighborhood recently and this really cool old car drove by. Fortunately, I brought along my digital camera that day. I was able to grab this pan shot, as the guy proudly drove by.

While looking through my images today, I came across this color photograph and decided it would look great in black and white (see photo #2).

One of the great things about shooting in digital is that you can easily turn any photo from color to black and white. 

Photo #2 – adjusted the saturation in PhotoShop

I don’t think I have shot in black and white since I was studying with the New York Institute of Photography, many years ago. I prefer shooting in color by a long shot. But, shooting digital and using PhotoShop, you can have the best of both worlds!

Yellow Daylily

by Sherri on June 5, 2008

Yellow Daylily (Hemerocallis) on my deck, Auburn, California

Daylilies are very hard to photograph, because they only bloom for a day. When I first started growing them a few years ago, I didn’t realize this. I should have known by the name. I hate to admit it, but it wasn’t until I had my first bloom that I figured it out! [click to continue…]

Just For Fun

by Sherri on June 2, 2008

Abstract shot of Jeff mountain biking in rural Auburn, California

Every now and then, I like to try something just for the fun of it. That was the case when I shot this photo. I’m not going to reveal how it was created. Instead, I would like to see if anyone can figure out how it was created.

Any guesses?

Kayak Zoom

by Sherri on May 31, 2008

Peg Challender kayaking on Lake Clementine, Auburn, California

Peg and I had a great day of kayaking and photographing at Lake Clementine. This photo was shot on the way back to the car.

The light was going fast. We had to hustle to get back to the parking lot before sundown, or we would risk getting locked in for the night. [click to continue…]

“Fenced In”

by Sherri on May 27, 2008


“Napoleon,” our next door neighbor, Auburn, California

Jeff and I have been feeling a little “fenced in” lately, just like Napoleon. We were hoping to have our major update to our Website finished this weekend. We came really close, but not close enough. [click to continue…]

I’d Rather Be Kayaking

by Sherri on May 20, 2008


Peg Challender relaxing on Lake Clementine, Auburn, California

In the post Pardon Our Dust I wrote a few days ago, I mentioned that we were in the midst of a huge project involving our Webite. At first glance, our Website looks the same as it did. But, if you go to our galleries, you will notice that our images are now on our own server, not PhotoShelter’s.

Had we known how time and labor intensive this project would be, we may have taken another route. But, now, we are nearly done and we are very happy with the results. We still have some massaging to do, before we can safely say we’re done. But, we should have that completed in a few more days.

We are looking forward to a little kayaking and hiking really soon!