Beautiful Bakersfield, California

by Sherri on December 2, 2009


Senior Couple feeding the ducks & geese at Hart Memorial Park, Bakersfield, California. This image was developed using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.

Bakersfield gets picked on all the time. People say it’s ugly and there is nothing beautiful about it. Sure, it’s not Yosemite, or Yellowstone, but I believe you can find beauty anywhere if you seek it.

Jeff & I make the trek to Bakersfield each Thanksgiving to visit his Mom. I always bring my camera along too. Usually, I photograph out on the bluffs at Panorama Park, but this time I was determined to venture out to other areas.

We drove out to Hart Memorial Park to see what we could find. We timed it just right, so the lighting along the Kern River was at it’s best. Just love that late day light! We found this couple feeding the ducks and geese. They were enjoying themselves so much, I don’t know if they were even aware that I was photographing them!

Images of seniors (especially seniors engaged in an activity) are in high demand and there is a low supply of them. I don’t have very many in my stock files, so this was a perfect opportunity to add to my collection. I did not get a model release from this couple, but I would like to. If anyone knows this couple, please let me know.

NOTE: You can also see more photos of Bakersfield here. They are all available for licensing, or they can be ordered as a print. If you are interested in any of these images, please contact us.

More photos of beautiful Bakersfield to come, so “Y’all Come Back Now, Ya Hear?”

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One of the readers of this Blog has requested that I upload the original image. Now, you will be able to see the “before & after” shots of this image.


Senior Couple feeding the ducks & geese at Hart Memorial Park, Bakersfield, California. This is the way the image looked straight out of the camera!

1 Richard Wong December 2, 2009 at 3:45 pm

That is a great point Sherri. A photographer can always find something even if not the entire city is that desirable. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

2 Umesh dhingra December 2, 2009 at 5:32 pm

Excellent pic and to really appreciate the post production using LR , will it be possible for you to upload the original pic, you cud even mail me the links , thanks in advance, cheers,

3 Sherri December 2, 2009 at 5:58 pm

Richard – thanks for stopping by and for your comment. We did have a nice Thanksgiving. Did you have a nice one as well?

4 Sherri December 2, 2009 at 6:06 pm

Umesh – thank you very much. Yes, I will upload the original photo tomorrow, so you can see the before & after shots. Thanks for asking!

5 Richard Wong December 5, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Hey Sherri. Yes, Thanksgiving was nice time to see family and get in some photography. Sounds like we did the same thing. 🙂

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