Be Prepared!

by Sherri on July 19, 2011

A beautiful Buck in my front yard, Auburn, California.

Wow…it pays to be prepared! This is the 2nd time this week, I have had the amazing opportunity to photograph this and another Buck that have been hanging around lately. I keep my long lens mounted on the camera and the camera bag handy for moments like this. I shot this through the glass on the French Door. It was either do that or go on the deck and most likely miss the photo opportunity altogether, due to my barking dog.

Another shot of "Bucky" taken in my front yard, Auburn, CA.

Here is another shot ofร‚ย  “Bucky” from my front yard photo shoot last Saturday. I love the way he just walked right into the “sweet” light, without me having to ask him! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I love to get your feedback; either here or on my Facebook Photography page.



Sherri Meyer Photography

1 Sailor July 31, 2011 at 4:10 pm

He looks very curious in the first picture!

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