Well, we didn’t have a White Christmas! But, we did get a half inch or so of snow last night. Unfortunately, it has been melting all night and is almost gone. It was still exciting!
I am bringing my camera on my run this morning, if it doesn’t start raining. Hopefully, I will bring back something worth adding to this post later on.
Hope you had a Merry Chirstmas and happy new years Sherri. A littlee snow after Christmas is almost as good as the real thing. 🙂
I’m back. Finally! And it is great to have Internet service again! I will write more about that later!
We had a Merry Christmas, but New Year’s was not all that exciting!
In the meantime, I didn’t get any photos of the snow while out for my run the day I wrote this post. By the time I got out there, the snow was nearly gone and it was starting to rain!