Mount Lassen at Sunset

by Sherri on August 20, 2010


Mount Lassen at Sunset with Lake Almanor in the foreground, Northern California.

You might remember this photo of Mount Lassen I posted a couple of weeks ago. I was standing on a moving dock and I was having a very difficult time keeping the horizon straight. First, I shot this scene without the lake in the foreground. Then, when there was a little break from the wakes, I shot a few photos which included the lake. This one came out straight, but many of the others I captured did not. I am going to try straightening the horizon in a few of them in Photoshop and see what kind of results I get.

I would love your opinion on these two images. Do you prefer this image of Mount Lassen without the lake, or is the one above your favorite?

Thank you for visiting and for your comments!



1 leon August 20, 2010 at 12:01 pm

i find this version to be a lot better! good job~

2 Sherri August 20, 2010 at 12:48 pm

Thank you for your contribution Leon!

Have a great weekend! 🙂 Sherri

3 Sherri August 20, 2010 at 1:56 pm

If you would like to see more comments, just hop on over to:

4 Doug August 21, 2010 at 6:56 am

Hi Sherri,

I think I like the photo with the lake a little better. I’m not really sure why…..I think the lake adds another dimension that makes it a little more interesting. Good luck deciding. 🙂

5 Sherri August 24, 2010 at 6:23 am

Doug, thank you for stopping by and for your opinion!!! 🙂

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