Top 10 Lightroom Tweets of the Week

by Sherri on January 8, 2010

Gold Miner Statue

Statue of a Gold Miner with the Historic Auburn Courthouse in the background, Old Town Auburn, California. This image was captured last month, during a low snowfall and was developed using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.

You may have seen this statue of a Gold Rush era miner, as you were traveling past Old Town Auburn on I 80. This statue is a representation of Claude Chana, the prospector who discovered gold here in the Sierra Foothill’s in 1848. This is just one of several statues in Auburn, created by Auburn dentist Ken Fox.

Okay, the history lesson is over, let’s get on with the main reason for this post. Here are your “Top 10 Lightroom Tweets of the Week” in random order.

Happy Lightrooming everyone and have a great weekend! 

  1. @paradepro Helen Bradley explains how to use the Crop tool in Lightroom
  2. @xequals Have ya’ downloaded our Straight Muggin’ Lightroom Preset?
  3. @xequals 10 free Split Toning Lightroom Presets for the taking –
  4. @AdobeLR Here are some handy tips for cropping in Lightroom –
  5. @AdobeLR Assigning keyword sets in Lightroom? Opt/Alt + 1-9 applies keywords from a set (even on an extended keypad).
  6. @digitalps My 5 Coolest Lightroom Commands by Helen Bradley
  7. @jkost’s Lightroom “Overview, Tips and Quick Reference Guide” PDF –
  8. @ScottBourne Importing photos from Lightroom 2 into Lightroom 3 Beta –
  9. @AdobeLR Get to know Lightroom’s Template Browser & how you can easily modify & customize the templates –
  10. @xequals Signup for the X-Equals Digest, going live 12/7 featuring “10 Resolutions for the Digital Photographer” –

Reminder – Don’t forget to join the NEW Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Group on Facebook. If you have any questions, comments, information etc. pertaining to Lightroom, this is a great place to post it. Visit the following link to join

In case you missed my previous “Top 10 Tweets of the Week” posts, you can view them all by clicking on the Top 10 Tweets of the Week category on the sidebar of this Photo Blog.

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1 Richard Wong January 12, 2010 at 12:49 pm

Love how you framed the courthouse with the wagon wheel. Great shot Sherri.

2 Sherri January 13, 2010 at 6:10 am

Thanks a lot Richard!

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